- Where is the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation located?
- The offices of the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation are located at 7240 Chase Oaks Blvd, Plano TX 75025. We operate in all states that we have Heart to Heart Hospice offices.
- Does the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation pay for hospice services?
- The Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation does not pay for hospice services. These are covered through insurance including Medicare and Medicaid. We will pay, however, as funding allows, for pediatric hospice services which are not covered.
- Who does the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation help?
- The Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation provides funding for the following • Education and scholarship for health care professionals, caregivers and community members in areas that are related to hospice and palliative care • Patient/Family Need: critical unmet needs for patients/families of HTOHH experiencing financial hardship • Veteran’s Care: Critical unmet needs of veterans with life limiting conditions and at the end of life experiencing financial hardship • Alzheimer’s Support: Critical unmet needs and respite care for those with Alzheimer’s disease and to support their caregivers For more information on Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation programs visit: https://www.hearttoheartfoundation.org Please Note: The Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation can not provide assistance for employees or family members of Heart to Heart Hospice unless they are also patients.
- Is my donation to the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation tax deductible?
- Yes. The Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation is a 501c3 public charity, founded in 2009. To make a donation, please visit click here.
- Is the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation part of the Heart to Heart Hospice company?
- The Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation is a separate organization but managed and overseen by the leadership of Heart to Heart Hospice. The Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation was founded by Kelly Mitchell, the CEO of Heart to Heart Hospice. Mitchell is also the President of the Board of Trustees of the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation and the offices of the foundation are in the Headquarter building of Heart to Heart Hospice.
- Do I have to be a Heart to Heart Hospice patient to get help from the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation?
- No. However, you do need to meet the criteria of the foundation which is based on the articles of incorporation as approved by the Internal Revenue Service. In order to find out if you, someone you know, or an organization you represent qualifies for a grant from the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation, please contact a representative at your local Heart to Heart Hospice office or call (855) HEART-26.
- How can I get in touch with someone at the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation?
- You can reach a representative of the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation by calling your local Heart to Heart Hospice office and asking for assistance. You can also call (855) HEART-26.
- Can I volunteer for the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation?
- Yes. If you’re interested in volunteering, please call (855) HEART-26 and someone will gladly put you to work!
- I made a donation in honor / memory of someone. I’d like to let their surviving family member know about it. Will the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation send a notification to him/her?
- Yes. We will be happy to notify anyone you'd like of your donation in honor/memory of someone. We will also include a personalized message from you in our letter if you would like us to. You will need to provide the contact name, address and any personal comments you would like us to include in our letter and can do that through our on-line donation form or on our donation envelope.